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At Leicester Student Lettings we are 100% focused on the health and well-being of our customers, colleagues and communities. We are doing all that we can to ensure we continue to fulfil our obligations to both landlord and tenants alike– despite having reduced staffing levels. We understand that many of you will want to talk to us during these uncertain times and we’d like to thank you for your patience.

We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you again for your patience.

We continue to follow the latest government advice and take our responsibilities regarding COVID-19 very seriously. 

Is the Leicester Student Lettings offices still open?

We have taken the measure to close our physical offices to keep our colleagues and customers safe. We will monitor the situation and open when Government advice permits so.

Getting in touch during office closures

Due to reduced staffing levels and an increased number of calls, we are experiencing longer than usual waiting times on our lines.

For urgent enquiries we recommend you email us at info@leicesterstudents.co.uk. This will enable us to deal with urgent matters more quickly.

If you do not have access to email, you can call us on 0116 2551333 but please be aware there may be an extended delay in answering your call. Calls may be recorded for monitoring and training.

You can also use the contact form on our contact us page.

Can I still view and book a property?

Yes! We have taken pictures and videos of as many properties as possible, if you have seen a property on our website that you would like to 'video view', please get in touch with us at info@leicesterstudents.co.uk

All payments can be made online and contracts are signed online so there will be ZERO face to face contact.

Universities have closed, is my rent still payable?

We do not deal with large student accommodation providers such as UNITE or Student roost, many of our landlords depend on the rental income from their properties to pay their bills, mortgages, commercial borrowings and other expenses and have no other form of income. Therefore following instructions from all our landlords, your rent will still be due under the terms of your tenancy agreement.

Although University owned accommodation, UNITE and Student roosts have waived their final instalments, your contractual obligation with us still stands.

The Student Loans Company has confirmed that students will still receive their scheduled or next instalment of their maintenance loan at the planned start of their summer term. We strongly advise that this is used towards paying your rent to stop you falling further behind in rent arrears.

If the situation changes in regards to this, then we will of course let you know, we are doing what our Landlords are asking us to do and following Government Guidelines

As long as you are not currently in rent arrears and are paying according to the schedule in your tenancy agreement we can split the payment of your last rent instalment into equal monthly payments. Your rent is due on the 1st April however we can delay this by 3 weeks to further help you get your student loans in order.

The Government has offered a 3-month holiday period on all mortgages and rent. Does this apply to me and what does this mean?

Yes, this does apply to you as you are renting a property. What this means is that you are allowed to have a 3-month break from paying your rent. The Government has also stated that your rent is still payable, however Landlords cannot evict tenants if their rent is unpaid due to the current COVID-19 situation. We understand that this is causing hardship and, in some instances, you will not be able pay your rent on time which is why we are working with you.

For now, we have been instructed to follow the Government Guidelines which is to make the rent payable but offer support by allowing payment plans. You will need to email our finance department on


What happens if I don’t agree to pay my rent?

If you fail to fulfil your obligation to pay rent as per you tenancy agreement or fail to make monthly payments as agreed, we would look to recoup rent and associated costs by legal means. Please be aware that this will affect your credit rating and future ability to rent or take out credit agreements (such as phone bills, car finance or mortgages).

Returning keys if you have moved out already

If you have already moved out of your accommodation, you need to return your keys to us, Please return these keys via recorded delivery to our office address; 

Leicester Student Lettings
142 Charles Street,
LE1 1LB. 

Please ensure you write you full name as it appears on your tenancy agreement. 


As our offices are closed, please ensure that you notify us when keys are returned so that we can arrange for these to be collected.

Collecting items left behind in my flat, will I be charged if I do not collect them?

If you have already moved out of your property and still have personal belongings in your flat, please try not worry at this moment in time. As we have said, this situation is ever-changing and there may be a point where you can return to move your possessions out before the end of your tenancy with us. We will keep you all updated in this situation and if we need to, we will offer a solution if you cannot return.

I can't get back home - can i extend my tenancy agreement?

Yes, please contact us by email at info@leicesterstudents.co.uk so that we can arrange the necessary paperwork.

Reporting Maintenance during the lock down

During these unprecedented times, we are trying our best to ensure an uninterrupted service. We ask that only urgent maintenance requests are submitted through our website. We will prioritise all maintenance in order of importance.

Any maintenance requests can be submitted by emailing maintenance@leicesterstudents.co.uk or by clicking on this link - https://www.leicesterstudents.co.uk/report-a-repair.html

What to do if you have an emergency?

Please call Regent Security on the below number and they will assist you as best they can (charges apply):
Contact Regent Security on 0845 371 0101
Quote – 70946

What if the pandemic goes on longer than when my tenancy for next academic year begins? – am I still liable for the rent from this date?

Currently, we do not know how long this pandemic will last. For now we aim to carry on as normal as we possibly can. This meaning that you sign your tenancy agreement and get all your documents back to us in a timely manner. You are still liable for any current and future rent, following on from Landlord instruction and Government Guidelines, however, if this does change then we endeavour to let you know.

Please be aware that this is the case for all new bookings made via 'video viewings' too